Bridging the Gap to an Enterprise Geotechnical Data Management Solution with EarthSoft and EQuIS Geotech

Bridging the Gap to an Enterprise Geotechnical Data Management Solution with EarthSoft and EQuIS Geotech

By Bob Day, EarthSoft EQuIS Geotech Manager

While hiking near Kootenai Falls in Montana, the path came to a perilous suspension bridge dangling high above the river. The passage held 220 feet of shaky wire and timber, though we knew it was the only means to reach the other side, our intended destination. Do we take the next step? How will we navigate this challenge safely? Would we trust this bridge to get us to our destination? Would it be worth the effort?

The Geotechnical Industry now faces these same questions regarding the future management of its enterprise geotechnical data, the lifeblood of decision-making in the Architectural, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) space.

The imminent retirement of gINT prompts the need to move beyond the legacy desktop standard and select a viable replacement. Migrating from the standard creates an opportunity to leverage new technologies and enterprise data management workflows, which improve efficiency, lower costs, and enhance services related to this valuable data resource/asset.

Transitioning your geotechnical data and associated workflows to a new enterprise data management system is no small feat, but the opportunity is rich with benefits. EarthSoft is ready to help you navigate this change and has developed EQuIS Geotech to bridge the gap with an enterprise solution providing  a comprehensive, functional, and secure destination for your geotechnical data needs.

EQuIS Geotech was designed specifically with the legacy data workflow in mind and is enhanced with greater functionality, accessibility, and efficient data entry (Web Forms) not available in the past. Designed directly with a leading geotechnical consulting provider, and through examining real-world geotechnical workflows, EarthSoft has further enhanced data capture, analysis, and reporting capabilities. During the first day of a recent EQuIS Geotech training session, a trainee observed that EQuIS Geotech was “more intuitive than gINT.”

EarthSoft is committed to providing the most efficient and comprehensive set of tools for both geotechnical and environmental data, packaged within a scalable, centralized, configurable, enterprise data management solution. The EQuIS solution supports adherence to company/industry data governance; data are consistent and standardized across all sites and projects, reducing the risk of errors, and increasing the quality of data. EQuIS Geotech accommodates manual data entry, lab and instrumentation Electronic Data Deliverables (EDDs), and our mobile field data collection application, EQuIS Collect.

Furthermore, EQuIS Geotech can store raw lab data, integrate with GIS/CAD applications (EarthSoft is an Esri and Autodesk business partner), generate a wide array of configurable reports, and connect to your internal Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems through a REST API. EarthSoft is fully committed to EQuIS, with continuous development since 1994, top-tier technical support, and user support groups. Users can have peace of mind with access to the best support and the latest features.

The advantages of replacing the legacy desktop geotechnical software with EQuIS Geotech are clear, and EarthSoft is here to help you navigate the bridge toward an enterprise geotechnical data destination.


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