Upcoming Office Hours- Show Us How the System Works for You, June 24, 2010

This session will be conducted by you, EQuIS users! We want you to show us, and other EQuIS users, what works well for you in the EQuIS suite of products and how you would like to see the products improved.

We are looking for volunteers to present, as well as attendees for this Office Hours. Each session will contain up to six different 5 minute presentations, with time for questions between each presentation..

This session will be held at 11am EDT (-5 GMT) and 6pm EDT (-5 GMT) on June 24th.

To sign up to either present or attend a session, please send us an email at officehours@earthsoft.com or register on the Office Hours page and indicate your session of preference. Note that spots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

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